Purchase Orders are accepted for public schools, select educational institutions and U.S. federal and state government agencies. Purchase orders are subject to CheckOutStore, Inc. terms and conditions.
In general, purchase orders should include all contact information for both the ordering party and accounts payable departments. If these are the same for your institution please so indicate.
If you have questions about a pending purchase order, please call 1-800-676-0134 and we will be glad to review specific guidelines and terms.
We do require a hardcopy of your PO to be either mailed, faxed or e-mailed to CheckOutStore, Inc. Corporate Headquarters at:
CheckOutStore, Inc.
1180 Sylvan St
Linden, NJ 07036
Attn: Accounting Dept.
Phone Number: 800-676-0134
Fax Number: 800-789-8861
Once your Purchase Order is received, our credit department will confirm your contact, billing and shipping information as well as your eligibility to receive credit.
In addition to select purchase orders, CheckOutStore, Inc. accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express as well as Paypal, Google Checkout, Amazon Payments, Money Orders, Wire Transfers, and Checks.
We at CheckOutStore, Inc. look forward to serving you and your colleagues.